Paula Wilson
When I was a child my Mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I replied ' an artist' without hesistation. I am naturally talented to a certain extent and rediscovered art after joining a local art group when my twin boys started school in 2012.
My art of 2012 -2015 was with the local teacher giving out ideas, and due to time constraints the process at home developed into glazing layers which was used particularly with the 'Dandelions'; 'Dandelion Clock No.1' and 'Robin' watercolours.
I also joined a local art club and a visiting drawing teacher reignited my passion and natural affinity for drawing, and I soon realised that true fine art begins with a mastery of drawing realistically and includes developing strong observational skills along with many other things. I feel that we cannot go on to use other mediums if we have not developed a good foundation in drawing.
After reading an article series by Louis Smith in the Artist
and Illustrators magazine, published 2014; I realised
that I needed to pursue the classical methods of portraiture and art, but was a full time carer so couldn't attend any workshops with him initially.
Eventually in 2016, I studied for 6 months part time at the
Realist Academy in Manchester, England. (now the Realist Academy Warrington) I learnt the full
process of classical portrait drawing with Louis Smith himself.
I am working on developing my skills as an artist by way of practice at home.
I also follow the principles of Truth Compassion and Tolerance which are the guiding principles of my spiritual cultivation practice Falun Dafa otherwise known as Falun Gong of which you can read about here, a guiding light in my life and nothing would be the same for me without my practice.